About Me

Gretchyn Hickman

Front-End Developer, based in America 🇺🇸

Gretchyn hickman

About Me

I am an 19 year old living in Utah, USA. I am an up-and-coming Front End Designer and I am very excited to be on this journey. I am very thankful for all the opportunities I have in my life. Throughout high school I was a member of the Programing Club. I mostly joined because My older brother had made the club and wanted members, but within that club I found a passion. I am passionate about what I do and I plan to continue this path and continue to grow and build on my skills.

My Family

I owe my initial introduction to programing to my older brother, who aspires to be a vide game designer, and has taught me a lot of what I know today. I love my family to pieces. My dad was the one who was determined to get all of us kids into Scuba Diving and I cannot thank him enough. My dad inherited his love for water from his dad, my grandfather, who was a Mechanical Engineer and Soldier in WWII and used swimming and scuba diving as a treatment for his PTSD. He would always take his kids (my dad, aunts and uncles) to go scuba diving together and my dad takes it apron himself to continue the tradition. Us kids are more than willing to help him.

Hickman Family

My Goals

I plan to continue to grow my programming skills and make a career in programing and web design. I have many websites and apps I want to create, and I also would like to work making websites for other people and companies. I simply want to become the best I can be. I want to work on projects and learn more about myself, more skills, and more about this field that I love.

My Passions

My passions are, firstly, Programing. I love doing it, and I have a knack for problem solving so it works out just fine. I hope to continue to grow my skills as I move forward. But I’m also passionate about baking and gardening. I grew up very rural out in Western America and I have deep ties with working with the earth. Many believe Tech and Agriculture are two separate worlds, but many times they are similar. Each take planning, lay out, hard work, cleaning out bugs (or bugs and weeds), and sometimes things don’t work out perfectly. But you learn and move on. And when you're done you get to celebrate. Or at least I like too. And even after you harvest you have to take care of the soil, like you have to take care of your programs. I don’t find them all too different.

Scuba Diving

My Skills

I am growing new skills every day as I continue through the SheCodes corse, pursue my education, and practice my skills. I am already very skilled in website creation, HTML, CSS and JavaScript thanks to SheCodes and my Older Brother. I also have a knack for design, problem solving, and finding problems no one knew they had. Which I have been told is the mark of a good programer. I have also worked may Retail, Customer Service, and food industry jobs. If your interested check out My Resume . I am learning more and more every day and I am thankful for all the opportunities I have to continue growing.


I have worked in a few different places. I got my first job while in high school at Michaels Crafts. Which was really fun. After I graduated high school I got myself a job at Fresh Market in the Deli Section and later Arby’s. I got my food handlers through that job and it taught me a lot. I defiantly learned to respect food industry. My parent’s motto was always ‘Everyone should work as many different types of jobs as possible. Especially Food service and Retail. They open you up to new world views you wouldn’t have otherwise and they teach you to respect everyone you come across.’ And I couldn’t agree more.

Resume Application